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Shoe Recommendations
Posted by saracheah
5/3/2016  7:53:00 PM
Hey everybody! I started international ballroom about 2 months ago and I have done American for about 4 years. I am 15 years old and I am struggling in my 2.5 inch Capezio Stellas. I am looking for a 2 inch latin dance sandal similar to the Capezio Ashelys and or the Stellas as well as a Standard shoe. Can you give me any recommendations?

Side Note: Which brand is better for latin shoes? Bloch or Capezio?
and are Alma Danza, Flamingo and DSOL good brands?
Re: Shoe Recommendations
Posted by ballroomchick
5/6/2016  2:59:00 PM
So do you like the feel of the T-strap shoe or just the look of it?

Your still growing so your balance will continue to change.

Have you also thought about going into a thicker heel? - NOT a Cuban heel - a thicker ballroom heel. Yulia Zaoruychenico competes in the thickets heels she can find for stability. Only in the final round does she change into a refined heel. She's a professional champion dancer.

Where are you located? U.S., Europe? Just kinda easier to know where to send you for shoes.

Re: Shoe Recommendations
Posted by saracheah
5/8/2016  3:41:00 PM
I prefer a "x" strap or the one that crosses. I have never danced with a T-strap. I don't know what brands provide a thicker heel as a choice, just the flared or slim heels. I am located in the US.

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